271 research outputs found

    Spatio-Temporal Patterns act as Computational Mechanisms governing Emergent behavior in Robotic Swarms

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    open access articleOur goal is to control a robotic swarm without removing its swarm-like nature. In other words, we aim to intrinsically control a robotic swarm emergent behavior. Past attempts at governing robotic swarms or their selfcoordinating emergent behavior, has proven ineffective, largely due to the swarm’s inherent randomness (making it difficult to predict) and utter simplicity (they lack a leader, any kind of centralized control, long-range communication, global knowledge, complex internal models and only operate on a couple of basic, reactive rules). The main problem is that emergent phenomena itself is not fully understood, despite being at the forefront of current research. Research into 1D and 2D Cellular Automata has uncovered a hidden computational layer which bridges the micromacro gap (i.e., how individual behaviors at the micro-level influence the global behaviors on the macro-level). We hypothesize that there also lie embedded computational mechanisms at the heart of a robotic swarm’s emergent behavior. To test this theory, we proceeded to simulate robotic swarms (represented as both particles and dynamic networks) and then designed local rules to induce various types of intelligent, emergent behaviors (as well as designing genetic algorithms to evolve robotic swarms with emergent behaviors). Finally, we analysed these robotic swarms and successfully confirmed our hypothesis; analyzing their developments and interactions over time revealed various forms of embedded spatiotemporal patterns which store, propagate and parallel process information across the swarm according to some internal, collision-based logic (solving the mystery of how simple robots are able to self-coordinate and allow global behaviors to emerge across the swarm)

    Applications of a Subordination Theorem

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    AbstractThe object of the present paper is to give applications of a subordination theorem due to Hallenbeck and Ruscheweyh [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.52 (1975), Theorem 1]. Our results have some interesting corollaries and examples as special cases


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    The taxonomy of earthworms in Nigeria has been mainly on the family Eudrilidae. The present work describes four new earthworm genera belonging to earthworm families other than the Eudrilidae. Earthworm samples were collected using the digging and hand-sorting method. The earthworms are preserved in formoacetic alcohol. The four taxa described here include Imekodrilus hexagastricus (family Moniligastridae), Adodrilus stephana (family Megascolecidae), Parnematogenia eyinwaensis and Ekitidrilus alabataensis(family Ocnerodrilidae). Imekodrilus hexagastricus from Imeko, Ogun State has six gizzards, characteristic of members of the family Moniligastridae. The genus Adodrilus is compared with 3 earthworm genera, Diporochaeta, Plutellus and Perionyx. The genus and species lacks gizzards. The calciferous glands (a pair) are present, with left and right united in segment X. Four individuals of P. eyinwaensis were collected from Eyinwa, Odogbolu Local Government Area of OgunState. The species is here described as having same position and number of calciferous glands, testes and male pores as the genus Nematogenia. Also described here is E. alabataensis, which was collected from both Ado-Ekiti and Alabata, south west Nigeria. These four genera and species are here presented as new taxa of earthworms from southwest Nigeria.ÂȘ€

    On Integral Means for Fractional Calculus Operators of Multivalent Functions

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 30C45, Secondary 26A33, 30C80Integral means inequalities are obtained for the fractional derivatives and the fractional integrals of multivalent functions. Relevant connections with various known integral means inequalities are also pointed out


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    Hipertensi adalah suatu keadaan di mana adanya peningkatan tekanan darah di atas normal. Penyakit hipertensi merupakan peningkatan tekanan darah yang memberi gejala yang berlanjut untuk suatu target organ, seperti stroke, penyakit jantung koroner dan bahkan kematian. Penderita hipertensi harus segera ditangani dengan segera sehingga tidak menyebabkan kematian. Penyakit ini telah menjadi masalah utama dalam kesehatan masyarakat yang ada di Indonesia maupun di beberapa negara yang ada di dunia. Rancangan/desain yang digunakan dalam studi kasus ini yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan waktu cross sectional. Data dikumpulkan pada bulan September 2020 dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisa data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu analisa deskriptif yang digunakan untuk mengetahui frekuensi dari masing–masing responden. Tempat/lokasi yang dilakukan studi kasus adalah di wilayah Kabupaten Ende. Hasil penelitian  diketahui bahwa sebagian besar responden berperan kurang sebagai kader posyandu lansia sebanyak 75%, cukup sebanyak 25% dan baik sebanyak 0%.. Kader sebagai pengerak masyarakat di kabupaten Ende masih belum optimal dalam melaksanakan perannya sehingga perlu pendampingan dari tenaga Puskesmas berupa pemberian informasi dan pelatihan demi pengendalian hipertensi pada lansia. Oleh karena itu diharapkan agar para kader tetap semangat dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai kader dengan terus meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan khususnya tentang penanganan dan pengobatan  hipertensi sehingga dapat mencegah kejadian komplikasi hipertens

    Effects of light colour and oscillator frequency on earthworm bioactivity

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    An experiment was conducted at the Zoology Laboratory of the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria to evaluate the suitability of different light colours. Being generated from 15-watt, low-heat, or frequencygenerated flourescent tubes as stimulants to enhance, major cast productivity of the earthworm species Hyperiodrilus africanus. The aim was to determine if exposure to the different light colours would improve the cast productivity of the worms and show whether H. africanus would show preference for any particular light colour, in terms of mass of cast produced and rates of emigration. The earthworms were kept in cylindrical plastic containers and put in different cubicles on a wooden shelf, where they are subjected to different light colours that is, white, dark (control), green, blue, and red. Results indicated that the red light colour was the most suitable in terms of cast productivity, as casting was highest (11.96 g/worm), followed by blue (10.66 g/worm), green (9.49 g/worm), dark (7.2 g/worm) and white (4.86 g/worm), respectively. Least emigration was recorded under the control (dark) , followed by red, white, blue and green respectively, which indicated that the worms were probably more ‘comfortable’ in the dark and the red light than the other light colours tested. Results suggest that if red light is introduced to a farm, casting activities can be increased and therefore, soil fertility can be improved

    Amino acid profile of four earthworms species from Nigeria

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    The amino acid profile of four species of earthworms from Nigeria namely Eudrilus eugeniae, Hyperiodrilus africanus, Alma millsoni and Libyodrilus violaceus were evaluated in this study. The amino acid analysis was conducted using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) specifically the Technichon TSM-1 (technosequential multisample) analyser for amino acid. Nine essential namely Lysine, Histidine, Arginine, Threonine, Valine, Methionine, Isoleucine, Leucine and Phebylalanine and eight non-essential amino acids namely Aspartic acid, Serine, Glutamic acid, Proline, Glycine, Alanine, Cystine and Tyrosine were recorded in this study. Cystine with a range of 0.64-0.80 g/100kg protein had the least concentration while Glutamic acid with a range of 11.50-13.22 g/100kg protein was the highest. Lysine and methionine, which were limiting amino acids in most feedstuffs, were present in all the earthworm species and ranges from 4.95-5.70 g/100g protein for lysine and 2.08-2.30 g/100g protein for methionin

    Enteric bacteria and fungi of the Eudrilid earthworm Libyodrilus violaceus

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    The identity and multiplication of bacteria and fungi (yeasts and mould) as they pass along the alimentary tract of the earthworm Libyodrilus violaceus have been studied. The bacteria isolated included Acinetobacter sp., Alcaligans faecalis, Bacillus brevis, Bacillus ceveus, Bacillus lalerosporus, Bacillus lichenoform, Bacillus maceraus, Bacillus sp., Corynebacterium sp., Enterobacter cloacae, Erwinia salicie, Flavobacterium aquartile, Flavobacterium sp., Klebsiella sp., Micrococcus inteus, Micrococcus kristinae, Micrococcus varians, Proteus myxofasciens, Proteus rennevi, Proteus vulgaris and Pseudomonas sp. Whereas P. vulgaris is a normal harmless inhabitant of the human intestine where it assist with digestion, it sometimes becomes pathogenic causing urinary tract infection. For now there is no information on if it undergoes similar change in the earthworms and if such a potential risk is transmissible to man. The fungi isolated included the following yeasts: Saccharomycos cerevisiae, Rhodoturula graminis, Saccharomycos sp., Candida valida, Geotrichium niger; and the following moulds: Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, Fusarium sp., Rhizopus sp. It is noteworthy that none of the fungi has the ability to digest melobiose, a disaccharide formed by an alpha linkage between galactose and glucose. Microbial counts increases along the alimentary track from eosophagus to rectum. Most of the microbes flourish best in an alimentary track region than in others. Thus, they tend to colonize different regions and thus minimize competitio

    Macromineral Profile of Four Species of Earthworm Hyperiodrilus africanus, Eudrilus eugeniae, Libyodrilus violaceus and Alma millsoni from Nigeria

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    The macro mineral profile of four Nigerian species of earthworm; Hyperiodrilus africanus, Eudrilus eugeniae, Libyodrilus violaceus and Alma millsoni was conducted. using the atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Five macro minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus were determined. Comparatively H. africanus recorded the highest mean Ca (0.494 ±0.038%) while A. millsoni recorded the lowest (0.318±0.034%). Hyperiodrilus africanus also recorded the highest mean Mg (0.154±0.015%) whereas L. violaceus recorded the lowest (0.118±0.017%). Alma millsoni recorded the highest mean K (0.045±0.003% ) whereas H. africanus recorded the lowest (0.027±0.002%). The highest mean Na (74.209±13.699 ppm) was recorded by A. millsoni while the lowest (19.813±2.087 ppm) was recorded by H. africanus. Also A. millsoni recorded the highest mean P (0.701±0.022%) while H.africanus recorded the lowest (0.456±0.034%). A significant difference was observed in the mean % Ca, % M g, % K, ppmNa and % P between the four species of earthworms (p<0.01). The study revealed that these five macro minerals which are requirements of animals w ere well represented and adequate in the earthworms. Therefore, the use of meal prepared from these species as mineral supplement in fish diets could be encouraged


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    HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B infections are infectious diseases that are still a health problem in the world, including in Indonesia. The incidence of mother-to-child transmission ranks 5th highest in Asia. HIV transmission from mother to child is 20-45%, Syphilis transmission from mother to child is 69-80% and Hepatitis B transmission from pregnant women to children is 90-95% (Kemenkes RI, 2014). Only 50% of pregnant women are willing to do an examination or test at the initial Antenatal visit while more pregnant women are known to be positive for viral infections in the final trimester which affects the implementation of treatment (Kesga Division of the Ende District Health Office, 2019). The Objectives to analyse the perception of pregnant women about the role of midwives in the success of the PMTCT-HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B program for pregnant women at the Ende Regency Health Center. Methods: using a quantitative design method with a correlational analytic approach. The technique for determining respondents used purposive sampling method. The research sample was first trimester pregnant women who checked themselves at the Ende City Health Center from June to August 2021. The sampling technique used the Slovin formula which amounted to 50 respondents. Data were collected from pregnant women's examination cards, MCH books and interviews with respondents. Data processing used the Spearman Rank correlation test with the help of the SPSS for windows 19.00 program. The results of the Spearman Rank variable test of the role of midwives as communicators, motivators, facilitators and counsellors do not have a significant relationship to the success of the PMTCT-HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B Program with a value (p-value &lt;0.05), namely 0.656 for the p-value of the role variable as a counsellor, 0.629 for the p-value of the role variable as a motivator, 0.580 p-value for the role variable as a communicator and 0.445 for the p-value of the midwife's role variable as a facilitator. As for the direction of the relationship between the four variables, it has a unidirectional nature according to the positive value of the Corelation Coefficient, and for the level of relationship between the four variables, namely the variable role of midwives as counsellors and motivators has a strong level of relationship (0.656) and (0629), the variable role of midwives as communicators and facilitators has a moderate level of relationship (0.580) and (0.445). Conclusion is necessary to maximize the success of the PMTCT program, including counsellor training for all health workers, especially midwives, the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support activities and counselling efforts in a sustainable, integrated and integrated manner supported by the ability of midwives to manage health programs to improve knowledge and health behaviour in pregnant women
